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Beautiful Bella

Christina Hyke

Beautiful Bella

I was recently contacted by a client I shall call JS. JS had been inspired by a layout she saw for Pottery Barn that had a varied of close ups of horses, as well

as some of the horse in partial frame. The client wanted similar images of her daughter's horse for their home, and presented in a variety of color tones so they could decide between a regular, black and white, and something a little warmer/softer, though not quite sepia toned. I love it when a client knows exactly what they want! JS even had an image to share that showed the wall display that inspired them to schedule a session. I was delighted to see that the images she wanted me to create were in the style that I love to photograph in!

Sunday Jim & I had a lovely drive up to Poynette, we arrived a few moments early and I could tell right away that I would be able to capture the images we were hoping for. The farm was just as JS had described, nestled neatly atop a hill- giving way to the ample open skies that I needed in order to get the white backgrounds JS requested.

Together we hiked the property, deciding on the areas that held the most potential for photos, all the while escorted by two matching, super friendly, orange barn cats, cutely named Cheese n Crackers. These two cats stuck by my side throughout the photo session, keeping me company like good hosts, especially when photographing in the hay field, they loved cuddling up to the camera so much, that I had to call Jim twice to rescue me from the cuddles so I could photograph. They were adorable, just the friendliest cats in the world.

I can safely say that Bella, the beautiful, was easily the quietest horse I have ever photographed. She was happily food driven and would put ears up on the slightest rattle of plastic wrappers! She quickly caught onto what was asked of her. Bella's family was super to work with, had Bella ready right on time and knew exactly what they wanted! I'm so glad that JS contacted for this session, and I'm happy to be able to share a link the session so you can see our Pottery Barn inspired work. I can hardly wait to see the wall display they create with these images! Was a joyful session all the way around!

Click on the image above to see the images from Bella's session.



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