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The Endurance Horse Podcast was started in March 2018 as a way to bring endurance riders from around the world together. This year we celebrated the fifth anniversary of Endurance Horse Podcast trotting out onto the airwaves, we are fast approaching 56,000 downloads. Endurance Horse Podcast was awarded the 2020 Endurance Podcast of the Year by the Equus Film & Arts Festival.
In 2021 we are adding more interviews to our episodes.
Please share the podcast with a friend to help us grow. If you would like to listen in, please click on the Endurance Horse Podcast logo above.
Endurance Horse Podcast is the first dedicated to endurance riding.
To share your story on Endurance Horse Podcast send an email to
Endurance Horse Podcast now has a sister podcast,
called The Warhorse Journal Podcast covering a larger range of topics in the horse world featuring authors, artist and authentic equestrians from across the USA and around the world.
Also: Endurance Horse Podcast group on Facebook
Endurance Horse Podcast in the News:
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