First and foremost--- fundraising is COMPLETELY OPTIONAL at WARHORSE, you don't have to do it, it is just something we wanted to make you aware of and available to grow networking within the horse community and share as a horse community our efforts with Veterans and with horses in dire straights. If you would like to consider fundraising with a pledge sheet as part of the WARHORSE Endurance ride, then please read on:
WARHORSE Endurance Ride is giving riders the opportunity to raise awareness and funding for two charities. Following the choice of our name, WAR & Horse. The 501c3 charity that WARHORSE has chosen to focus on is Horse Power Healing Center in Eagle, WI
Horse Power does currently provide free group lessons to Veterans from June-October on Thursdays at 6pm. We are hoping to raise $ for Veterans to receive private, one on one lessons. For example, $150.00 secures private lessons for 6 weeks for a Veteran. If each rider doing a novice ride fills out one pledge sheet getting $1.00 per mile they can easily be pledging to sponsor a Veteran to have 6 weeks of lessons. Horse Power does give free group lessons at a set time, WARHORSE Endurance would like to enhance what Horse Power already does for Veterans by providing scholarship money so that Veterans can to the knowledge of horsemanship.
The PDF file on this page is a printable pledge sheet.
The second charity is Midwest Horse Welfare Foundation- is a 501c3 who is totally run by volunteers and has no paid staff. Since 2001, Midwest Horse Welfare Foundation has found homes for over 1200 horses. Why did WARHORSE Endurance Ride choose a horse rescue to go along side of the equine therapy for Veterans? It is to honor the memory of the horses that have died in wars. Did you know that during the first World War, more than 8 million horses have died in battle? Yes, we realize that these were many generations ago, though, still, that is more than soldiers from ALL wars combined.
While we realize that we can do nothing for the Warhorses of old, though we can honor their memory by help the thousands of horses needing a matchmaker today. Please join us in supporting Midwest Horse Welfare Foundation, one pledge form, filled out can take care of a horse's feed, hay and supplements for a month or more. Ride for the charities and make your miles count for something larger than an endurance ride. I hope you will join us in raising funding for these two lovely charities, if fund raising isn't your cup of tea, please feel free to bring bags of Purina Senior to the endurance ride to donate, or also bottles of Absorbine fly spray. God Speed.